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Woodhull is a noisy rock band from New York City.  It was started by Matt and Seth.  Now the band is Greg and Seth and Adam.

The original craigslist ad for musicians that brought this band together looked like this:


Do you ever wish everyone around you would just stop thinking of music as a boring, commodified shitshow rat race?

Do you wish someone would bring back the shamanic, carnal, puking vitalism of a romantic vision of musical past that probably never existed anyway?  

Who's gonna do it?  FUCKING YOU ARE.  Let's do it together.

I really don't care what you play.

I could list influences I have for such things, but that's no fun and kind of stupid.

I'm as interested in baring the most passionate and heterodox parts of the soul with guttural shrieking as I am with mass hypnosis by sickly glossy pop. 


I'll end this with an influential quote:

"You should always aim to be as skillful as the most professional of government agencies.  The way you live, structure, conceive, and market what you do, should be as well thought out as a government coup.  It's a campaign; it has nothing to do with art."


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